Sunday, October 2, 2011


A view southwest to The Twelve Bens range in the rugged Conamara region in County Galway taken from the top of Ben Gorm just inside County Mayo . Killary Harbour below which marks part of the border between Galway and Mayo, is the closest thing Ireland has to a fjord. It leads out to the Atlantic Ocean.

Ben Gorm is the guts of a two hour hike from the Aasleagh Falls car park a few miles north of the village of Leenaun where the film The Field was made. The problem with walking in these hills is that they are misty a lot of the time which kind of ruins the view if it doesn't get you lost. But not on this day. I have learned the use of a compass just in case because it can come down quick.

Devilsmother- An arresting name for a mountain. This was taken on the way up Ben Gorm looking back to the east and the head of Killary Harbour from where Devilsmother rises.

Once you attain the top of Devilsmother you can walk along the ridge for two km. Getting up there is the hard part.

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